Foundation Global Inclusion:
events in 2017
11 juni 2017
- Global Inclusion Event 1.0
Het persbericht van Global Inclusion Event 1.0 op zondag 11 juni a.s. van 12.00 uur – 17.00 uur in hotel Mijdrecht Marickenland (toegang gratis) is geplaatst in de krant De Groene Venen met oplage 18.500 exemplaren met lezersbereik 45.000 inwoners. Bedankt De Groene Venen!
22 juni 2017
- Dinner party of the Food Bank Foundation Hope for Tomorrow
Friday December 22nd 2017 the charge d’affaires of the Embassy of the Republic Surinam mr. Ebu Jones and I volunteered at the Dinner party of the Food Bank Foundation Hope for Tomorrow (St. Hoop voor Morgen) of Mrs. Regina MacNack in Amsterdam location Dominion Centre in Amsterdam. There were 750 people of all kinds of nationalities and religions in solidarity with more than 100 volunteers. There was a lot of food and presents. The children had there own area with a cotton candy machine, pop corn machine, and face painting.