Foundation Global Inclusion:

events in 2020

May 14th,2020

- Visitation and bringing clothes for 295 undocumented families

Visitation and bringing clothes for undocumented 295 families background Brazil in Amsterdam West. Gianni da Costa is selflessly committed to these families.Help us support them with clothes, food or financial donations in this Corona crisis. Bank account Stichting Global Inclusion NL22RABO0319094448 mention undocumented. Contact Rachella Vorm +31-6-27588564. 

Photo left Gianni Da Costa and @Joeri Roodenburg. Thank you for your donation! Thank you City of Amsterdam for supporting undocumented during the Corona crisis!

March 21st, 2020

- Donation ING Nederland Fund

ING Nederland Fund, thank you so much for the nomination and donation cheque! Also thank you to those who voted for us, on behalve of the board of Foundation Global Inclusion.

October 1st, 2019

- The National Kick Off of ‘Week van het geld 2020’

On Tuesday October 1st, 2019 Rachella Vorm and Alice Bouman at The National Kick Off of ‘Week van het geld 2020’ at the headquarter A.S.R. Verzekeringen in Utrecht, the Netherlands. An initiative of Ministry of Finance. Your Majesty Queen Maxima is honorary Chairman of the Platform Wijzer in Geldzaken. Foundation Global Inclusion is a cooperation partner. – Speakers: Olaf Simonse, Jan Anton Brouwer, Resalieke Vlieger (Wijzer in Geldzaken), Sasja van der Knoop en Angela Paparo (Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken), Marijke Troost (A.S.R. Verzekeringen), Berdien van der Wilt (Gemeente Utrecht), Auke Blom en Lucy Kamps (Stichting MEE Nederland).

March 6th, 2020

- Foundation Vrouwenkerngroep

Today Friday March 6th, 2020 invited by Mrs. Burleson of foundation Vrouwenkerngroep for International Women Day with the theme FREEDOM at Oscamcafe in Amsterdam South East (Zuidoost). Thank you for the invitation! On behalf of Rachella Vorm- founder, Irene Bhikhie-chairman, Jacqueline van den Akker-counselor Foundation Global Inclusion with Fatima Ouahou- founder Stichting Malak

March 6th, 2020

- City of Amsterdam for the Lunch of the International Women Day

Today Friday March 6th, 2020 invited by the City of Amsterdam for the Lunch of the International Women Day with the theme FREEDOM at the Hyatt RegencyHotel in Amsterdam. City Of Amsterdam thank you for the invitation! Speakers Councilor of the City of Amsterdam @Wethouder Rutger Groot Wassink, Minchenou Maduro of Foundation Brandon, Annemieke Winder of foundation Vrouwen Vooruit, Camelia Contreras of Foundation Mammarosa and Single Supermom, Haidy Bijnaar of foundation Buurvrouwennetwerk Gaasperdam and Meetmaatjes, Graziella Ferraro Singer & Entertainment.

February 13th, 2020

- NT2-Network meeting

Today February 13th, 2020, Foundation Global Inclusion is the host and one of the participating organizations of the NT2-Network meeting at the Bindelmeer College aan de Dubbelink 1 in Amsterdam. More than 10 organizations for example: officials Central City Amsterdam and Amsterdam Zuidoost (South East) District, Eduza, Leef en Leer, Sagenn, Progress

January 27th, 2020

- New Year reception of city hall South East Amsterdam

Today Monday January 27th, 2020 at the New Year reception of city hall South East Gemeente Amsterdam stadsdeel Zuidoost in Amsterdam.. @JakobWedemeijer @DirkdeJager city hall Councilors.


with your help we can give support and do our work
