Foundation Global Inclusion:
events in 2018
4 January 2018
- Working Visit to the Food Bank Foundation ‘Hope for Tomorrow’
On Thursday, 4 January 2018, Rachella Vorm, the director of RV Exclusive, and Mr. Ebu Jones, the Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Suriname, brought a working visit to the food bank foundation Hope for Tomorrow, (Voedselbank Stichting Hoop voor Morgen) of Mrs. Regina MacNack in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Every day, the food bank foundation Hope for Tomorrow provides food for the less fortunate (more than 750 persons per week). Also, other food banks in Amsterdam and the surrounding areas come here to get products for the less fortunate in their regions. If you would like to donate finances or products (food, clothes, toys), I can recommend you to give. Keep on doing the good work, food bank foundation Hope for Tomorrow!!!
27 January 2018
- Volunteer Work in Suriname (Clothing & Food)
In the evening of Saturday, 27 January, I (my foundation Global Inclusion) joined the foundation ‘Hope for Tomorrow’ (Hoop voor Morgen) of Mrs. Regina Macnack to pass out food (rice with pom and fried noodles, and drinks) and clothes to the homeless in the capital city of Suriname, Paramaribo.
24 February 2018
- Visit at the Children's Club of ‘New Life’ (Nieuw Leven) in Suriname
On Saturday, 24 February 2018, I (the founder) and my children Tabitha and Justin Kühr of the foundation Global Inclusion (in the Netherlands) handed out clothes to the children of the Children’s Club of ‘New Life’ (Nieuw Leven) of Helga & Iwan Holder in Wageningen Suriname.
Hoek Kromme-Elleboogstraat /Hoofdweg
Wageningen, District Nickerie
27 February 2018
- Meeting with the First Lady of the Republic of Suriname
On Tuesday, 27 February, at 11.30 AM Tabitha Kühr and I had a meeting with the First Lady of the Republic of Suriname, Ingrid Bouterse-Waldring at the Tamarindelaan 2 in Paramaribo, Suriname.
The First Lady is a passionate woman with great compassion for charities, and she is very active in the local communities in Suriname.
4 March 2018
- Visit at 'De Deur City Church' in Suriname
On Sunday, 4 March 2018, I visited the church ‘De Deur City Church’ of Dr. Sewdatt Itrajh at the Tiberiusstraat 3 in Paramaribo, Suriname.
To my surprise, I was honoured by Dr. Sewdatt Itrajh for THE GOLDEN RULE, “TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED”, with the pin ‘I Change Nations’ (ICN) because I have served as a volunteer in communities in my nation (the Netherlands) and other countries around the world (for more than 20 years).
Dr. Sewdatt Itrajh is a trained Patriot Statesman and a trained Presidential Statesman (see the pictures Ambassadors Seal of Endorsement).
Dr. Clyde Rivers is the founder of ‘iChange Nations’ in America (see Facebook Clyde Rivers)
We are witnessing great international results coming out of World Civility Day. Dr. Chuck Hughes and Dr. Gordon Bradshaw, along with the Gary, Indiana Chamber of Commerce, have worked together to create the Community Civility Counts Initiative and World Civility Day and appointed Dr. Clyde Rivers as the spokesperson for World Civility Day. This award is reaching platforms of the world, and iChange Nations™ is finding great people of civility to honour.
8 June 2018
- Farewell Reception of the City Council in Amsterdam South-East
On Friday, 8 June 2018, I was at the farewell reception of the Board of the City Council of Amsterdam South-East, Muriel Dalgliesh, Urwin Vyent, and Andro Bottse. Thank you for the many years you invested in the multi-cultural community of Amsterdam South-East, making Amsterdam South-East great! God bless you!
25 December 2018
- Christmas Dinner at 'Kon Esi Baka'
After a pilot of 3 months (October-December) of feeding about 100 persons amoung the seniors and the less fortunate, the foundation Global Inclusion and Restaurant ‘Kon Esi Baka’ in Reigersbos, Amsterdam, organised a Christmas Buffet on December 25th at the Restaurant ‘Kon Esi Baka’. This event was sponsored by the companies: supermarket Boni in Reigersbos, Bruna in Reigersbos, Kruidvat in Reigersbos, supermarket Kumar in Gein, and it was filmed and broadcasted by TV Zuidoost.