Our organization wants to grow, both in terms of knowledge and impact.


Our organization is evolving. We want to grow, both in terms of knowledge and impact. This means that over the next three years we also want to make strides in the area of professionalization. Not only in terms of personnel but also in terms of marketing, fundraising, lesson development and organization.

The organization currently consists primarily of volunteer efforts. Our board is an active board with three professionals. In three years we think we will be ready for a supervisory board. Meanwhile, we are building an advisory board of people who want to contribute to our goals voluntarily or at a great discount in terms of their services.

We aim to reward our language coaches, professionals and volunteers in the coming years.

Our volunteers include migrants who have become established. They are willing to accompany other new migrants out of the principle of giving something back now that they themselves have found their place in society. We do this out of the principle of giving back. It is precisely by using the migrants’ own experience that effective steps can be taken.

Through our work, we build a community of migrants who are committed to each other. Every day we work to expand our network.

Foundation Global Inclusion is classified by Tax Office for ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) in the welfare category.

We conduct evaluations per project, building a learning organization. Because we live in the time of Corona, we take all measures into account and cannot organize large-scale events.


Policy plan 2024-2025

We are committed to a mixed revenue mix. For each project, we are committed to applying for grants and funds. In two years after the municipal elections, we want to have greater awareness of our approach and aim to become a permanent part of the social base of three to five cities. In addition, we seek sponsors wherever possible and ask partners for discounts. We want to establish long-term relationships in which our partners get value for their discount/money. In addition, we will seek givers whom we approach annually for an amount. Everyone will be invited to our annual event.

In terms of communication and marketing, we will focus on our website, videos and posting blogs. We are building a good relationship with press that focuses on the cities and districts where we work.


We want to collaborate constructively with other organizations to achieve great impact in the lives of migrants.

Financial forecast 2024-2025

The Foundation has no profit motive, as described in the Statutes. The Foundation will allow income earned from its activities to benefit its objectives.

The board adopts the budget. The accounts are audited each fiscal year by an accountant. Each year is concluded with an annual financial and content report. These reports are published on the website. Certain overhead costs will be incurred annually.

In order to realize the goals of Foundation Global Inclusion, money is needed. Therefore, funds will be raised for each project. These funds will only be used to pay the costs associated with the project in question. We are also committed to raising generic funds to finance our organizational costs.

How the foundation raises funds

The Foundation raises funds in the form of sponsorships, donations, gifts, grants and grants. Fundraising is done directly, such as during contacts with relations (both private and business). It is also done digitally through a donation option for the project on the website. To give the website many visitors, we work together with organizations that have the same CSR goals.

Management and use of income

As an ANBI foundation, Foundation Global Inclusion is required to keep transparent records of income and expenses. These records must also show: what amounts have been paid (per director) in expense reimbursement, what amounts have been spent on raising money and managing the institution. This also applies to all other expenses, what is the nature and extent of the institution’s income and assets.

The funds of the Foundation are managed by the Treasurer of the Foundation.

In addition to a current account, the Foundation has a savings account. The assets of the Foundation are formed by gifts, fixed donations, inheritances and by other income for example from actions.

In the coming years (2024-2025), the Foundation will use its assets for activities, among other things:

Project 1 Language coaching South & South East
Project 2 Money Bizz
Project 3 Youth pilot De Ronde Venen
Project 4 International Men’s Day
Project 5 ‘Come back and give away’

Indirect costs are minimal and relate purely to expenses such as:

  • bank administration and transfer fees
  • website and provider costs
  • any notarial costs

All income and expenses are in principle accounted for in the period to which they relate. All revenues (donations) are recognized as income in the financial year in which they are received by the Foundation.

Interest received or receivable in respect of outstanding bank balances attributable to the year under review is recorded as interest income.

The Foundation has no profit motive. At the end of the financial year the treasurer closes the books. From these the annual accounts are drawn up, consisting of the balance sheet, a statement of income and expenditure for the relevant financial year. The board reviews and checks the documents and approves the documents by signature and discharges the treasurer. After approval, a statement is published on the website.

If it appears that Foundation Global Inclusion has achieved its goals then the Foundation can be dissolved. It is then required by its Articles of Association and regulations to donate the surplus to an ANBI Foundation with the same objective. The purpose for which the surplus is intended will be determined in consultation with the Board.



